
Team Husqvarna TORNADO Diamond Blade - 12" or 14"

As low as $137.80
Team Husqvarna TORNADO Diamond Blade - 12" or 14" - Medium Gauge Steel - Light Gauge Steel - Burglar Bars - Pad Locks - Auto Bodies - Steel Doors - Iron Pipes - Concrete

Team Husqvarna TORNADO Diamond Blade - 12" or 14" in

Team Husqvarna TORNADO Diamond Blade - 12" or 14"

Are you cutting burglar bars, automobiles or steel with your rescue saw?

The Tornado Diamond Blade is the answer. Because of its unique diamond matrix and heavy duty steel core, it can cut through light and medium gauge steel, metal guard rails, auto bodies, aluminum, and many other metals. It will even cut reinforced and non reinforced concrete.

When you are on the next emergency scene, you will not have to worry which blade to use. You can trust the Tornado Blade will tear right through it.

- Medium Gauge Steel
- Light Gauge Steel
- Burglar Bars
- Pad Locks
- Auto Bodies
- Steel Doors
- Iron Pipes
- Concrete

TD12SC - 12” Tornado Diamond Blade
TD14SC - 14” Tornado Diamond Blade
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Price $137.80
Shop by brand Husqvarna

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